About me
Hey, I’m German! I am a Mexican designer from Hanover Park, IL . My mix of cultural backgrounds has led to a dynamic perspective, as demonstrated in my highlighted work. An ongoing influence on my work is also my deep interest in cars that I’ve had for as long as I can remember; the balance of design, engineering, and art that goes into automotive manufacturing has led me to my desire to work in design, and to study Manufacturing and Design Engineering with a minor in Art Theory at Northwestern University.
As I have progressed in my design and art courses there, I have developed a fast paced approach to iterating on projects. I prioritize hands-on rapid prototyping with any material that’s in front of me, to get to user testing quickly, which to me is one of the most valuable steps of the design process. My focus is on learning empathetically from users to apply their detailed feedback for a human centered approach.
When I’m not working on projects, I spend time advancing my clothing brand, where I explore my admiration for fashion. Along with this, I am always working on layering my knowledge of the past, specifically in the history of art, architecture, and fashion specifically, to inform my design perspective and broaden my ideation potential. Now, I hope that you get to know my straightforward and spontaneous personality looking through my work, and please connect with me after, as I would love to hear about you and your favorite designs, paintings, cars, and more!